07 Mar 2024 ~ 1 min read

How to start with munki?!

munki server? munki client? munki webreports? …

Get an overview first. If you are already familiar with other MDM solutions, it is difficult to get an overview of munki at first, as it is not a monolithic system, but a collection of different solutions and approaches. A video by munki inventor Greg Neagle about the past, present and future of munki helped me to familiarize myself with the concept.

Roughly speaking, I would divide munki into three components; FileWave users will be familiar with this concept:

  • Admin tools like munkiimport, makecatalogs, manifestutil
  • Web server for the reports
  • Client tools and settings

In the demo setup in munki wiki, a folder structure for a repository is also created first. The question now is whether it is also possible to start with other web solutions such as munkireport-php or SAL, which is based on Python.

Headshot of Jurij Schlaht

Hi, I'm Jurij. I'm a web developer, macOS system administrator, photographer and soon also data engineer based in Frankfurt. You can follow me on Instagram, see some of my work on GitHub, or read more about me here on this page.